Features : ASTAR Shines Brightly with Pop-Afro Single ‘TTL TTR’

Nadia Sobehart, Publicist June 17, 2024

Singer and philanthropist Astou Sandra Smith—better known as ASTAR—is set to release her latest single, “TTL TTR.” The multitalented artist brings to the global stage her unique blend of pop and Afro, alongside her creative talents.

ASTAR’s versatility enables her to cross genres with grace. “It’s what makes my sound unique,” tells the artist. “That and having to do so much at a young age. I want to show the world what I am about, who I am,” adds ASTAR.

ASTAR’s passion for music began a long time ago, sparked by two parents who both loved music. “They came up with my name, which means so much to me,” shares the artist. “It came from them.” ASTAR is derived from “Astou,” the singer’s Senegalese name, and the idea of being a star. When ASTAR’s mother was expecting her, she felt that the singer would one day be destined for stardom. That is how her stage name was born.

Over the years, ASTAR’s talent blossomed under her parents’ care. “One of the first songs I released, my parents contributed to,” shares the musician. “They brought me into music as I was growing up.”

Her career quickly developed from a young age. At age 9, she appeared in commercials. At 11, she released her first music video. Two years later, ASTAR released her second video, winning a nomination for Children Ambassador at the Universal Expo Milano in Italy.

When ASTAR’s mother (and manager) passed in her teenage years, the young singer found strength in her grief that propelled her to work even harder toward achieving her goals. “I wanted to accomplish what she wanted for me. It was also my dream, of course,” she adds. From that point on, ASTAR went on to win various awards across numerous fields, not just in music but in leadership and impact as well. One notable accomplishment includes winning the Oscards d’Afrique Best Female Artist 2022 award.

ASTAR’s new single, “TTL TTR,” is a fun, energetic song made for listeners to have a good time. “It stands for ‘to the left, to the right,’” tells ASTAR. “I want everyone to feel the same energy I felt while making the song and video. I also wanted to show my culture to the world.”

“The main message for me—and for anybody who feels down in that moment—is to listen to something that can uplift them,” adds the singer. “It’s the perfect song to lift your mood, dance, feel positive vibes and energy.”

The single and accompanying video demonstrate more than ASTAR’s musical talents—they also showcase her skills as a director and independent artist. “I design everything on my own, from looks to choreography to the script,” adds ASTAR. “Everything a whole team would do, I did.”

What makes ASTAR shine is not only her musical talents but her compassion and grace. The Starlettes are ASTAR’s fans, and she doesn’t hesitate to show them love in return. From meet-and-greets to holiday meals, ASTAR and her fans make up a tight-knit community. ASTAR is also heavily involved in her local community. In 2020, ASTAR earned the Future African Leader award, issued by African Women Leadership. In 2021, she created the non-profit service “ASTAR Foundation” to help those in need, including children in foster care and orphanages.

Make sure to stay connected to ASTAR on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

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