Features : Tom Deezan’s “Waterflow” beginning a journey into pop/rock/rap/R&B musical fusion

Kurt Beyers, Publicist June 05, 2023

In his latest release, singer/songwriter Tom Deezan has packaged a personal story of recovery and revelation in a danceable pop rock track called “Waterflow.” It is the second part of “The Nomad Duology.”

The “nomad” descriptor is apt for the emotional, physical and musical journeys that took him from his native Cordoba, Argentina, to Los Angeles, with an intermediate sojourn in Tulum, Mexico.

His genre is pop or alternative pop when, he says, he is speaking as a songwriter talking about the structure of songs. But he is not limited, and “Waterflow” is more.

“It’s definitely pop, and this last one, maybe, is pop rock with a little bit of an ’80s vibe as well,” he said. “I liked the fusion between ’80s vibes and modern trap and pop feelings.”

Ringing, chiming instrumentation provide the melodies that frame the story, but the drum beats come straight from rap.

The bad relationship that underlies the two-song sequence took place in his native Argentina, where he wrote the first song, “Love Me In Chains.” That song, dealing with the immediate emotional aftermath, is all pop.

“Waterflow,” written during his time in Tulum, is about the recovery he experienced there. But when Tom talks about that time, it sounds as if the act of writing the song played its own role in his healing.

“I was dealing with this breakup, feeling really weird emotions, which also had to do with self-esteem issues and and diminishing myself and not believing in myself,” he said.

In Mexico, a different place, with different people, a different culture, “I realized what my actual worries should be, and the seriousness that I should give to them, and then I started writing this song, which personally helped me a lot to get over this.”

An interesting feature of the song, and the cover art, is a theme based on the Ace of Swords from the tarot card deck.

You know I’m only a nomad
So I’ll keep wanderin’ and wonderin’ what we had
Cause the Ace of Swords is telling me to let it go
Cross the edge of storm, wake up in a waterflow

The Ace of Swords symbolizes a moment of breakthrough and change, he said.

In this story, “Love Me In Chains” is about the emotional aftermath involved in the breakup of a really bad relationship. “Waterflow” is the recovery, and “The Nomad’s Duology” is the journey that encompasses both.

“The emphasis in ‘Waterflow’ is this rebirth process and this new version of this character,” he said.

He is now 22 and his rebirth includes beginning a music career in Los Angeles. He wants to keep expanding his stories and the audience for them — connecting with people who can identify with them.

He has told and written stories since childhood, and wants to share them in his music.

“I want to keep on doing this until I die. It’s what I love to do.”

Tom is working on new stories and will continue releasing tracks, with perhaps an album by the end of the year. His stories, after all, are set to music, beginning in pop and alt pop but also experiencing a journey and reinvention.

“I’m really interested in R&B as a genre, but with this essence that my music has already, like using strings. I love strings as instruments. They give an elegant feeling to something that is perhaps aggressive in its reality.”

Stay connected to, and journey with, Tom Deezan on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.



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