Features : Mystic 2Lit’s latest single parties into the ears out of “Smokey Fog”

Publicist July 17, 2023

Young Florida songwriter and rapper Mystic 2Lit has put out a lot of music since she leaped into a career in 2021 — seven EPs, each from five to nine tracks, and several singles.

Mystic describes herself as a "mysteriously sexy creature fallen addict to music." Her Sex Trap Music song catalog contains a mix of her range in rap music, from soulful melodic sex trap songs like “It Sin Sanity,” “Diagnosis Crazy” and “The Shaderoom” to the fluid street vibes of “Two Feet Down,” “Open Invitation” and “Off The Wawa.”

Her latest release, “Smokey Fog,” is a party song. It follows by a few weeks the fifth album, Sex Trap Music 5, in the signature series that she calls her personal genre — sex trap music. 

Mystic sings on the hook of “Smokey Fog,” “When sh×t hard gotta keep on going, keep pushing all that work, stay on go.” It’s a street song in the essence of the play on words and meanings and the essence of authenticity in the song.

“It’s a sex trap party motivational song,” she said. “I just found a beat and wrote it real quick. From the opening line, ‘Cloudy nights a smokey fog,’ the song mystically and engagingly progresses to the second verse:

One thang bout me I got to go solid (that b×tch hard)

Excuse me I gotta go I got to go balling

My ass on moon it always be howling

Love when he deep in me it’s inspiring (that’s deep)

In sex trap music in general, she says, she likes to put “sexy elements to the vibe of trap music.”

“I love to be sexy. I am sexy, a mystic creature," she said. “And when I say sex trap music, I’m also speaking of women and sex, and that’s basically a trap, so I call it sex trap music.”

"Trap a man with p×ss×, they call it love," she adds.

But it’s more, too. It’s “empowerment for women.” Rap music is male dominated and Mystic wants to add her etch as the #littiestRAPPER, #littiestAUTOTUNESINGER, #littiestSONGWRITER — the hashtags she uses on social platforms.

She is a songwriter herself and loves writing songs. “I write and record all my music and I arrange everything in my songs. It’s all me, every song I’ve ever done.”

Sex is a big part of her life and music, but it’s not everything. “Smokey Fog,” as she said, is a fun party song with some sex in it but not as much as, say, “A Hoe Job A Whole Job,” which is about “sexually pleasing your man when he gets off work — whatever type of work he prefers to take care of you.”

She wants to write for other artists and be go-to songwriter for "the LITNESS," which is her pen. She wants “to be able to capture their vibe and translate it into music.” She is a creative, she says, a sex trap music lyricist, and from the way she talks about using metaphor and creating content, and describes how she goes from thought to lyrics, it is clear she revels in the creative process.

She wants to perform as well, but when it comes to that, she says, “Let’s wait and see.” That’s another aspect of her mystique. She is outgoing and fun and loves to party, but she doesn’t like crowds so usually doesn't hang around long. "I’m in and out pretty fast. Drinks, a few songs, then bye bye, I’m a smokey fog.”

Mystic wants to deal with the public, at least for now, through her avatar — a wild, erotic, voluptuous, horned female figure cavorting through her cover art. The only photos of her are some reels on her Instagram page, fleeting images seen in reflections and low light.

The avatar is the personification of her mystique, her mystery, her strength, her name — Mystic 2Lit, which also embodies what she calls in her official bio the “ability to stay lit [all caps] on every track.”

There is yet another reason for the avatar. “I want the focus to be on my music.”

“I want people to just listen to the music and enjoy it,” she said. “I want your ears to craft that for you.”

The next song to be added to her Sex Trap Music catalog is called “Keister Stiffler.” It’s slated to be released in the next couple of weeks, early July 2023.

Connect with Mystic 2Lit and her music on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

“Smokey Fog”
“Smokey Fog”
Amazon Music 
Apple Music
Latest EP: Sex Trap Music 5:


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